K-9 Choice Wild Boar Plus Raw Foods are Packed With Vitamins and Minerals – A variety of vitamins and minerals from food are needed for a dog to maintain overall health. Wild boar contains zinc, iron, niacine, selenium, thiamine and Vitamin B6 which help support everything from heart health and the immune system to cognitive function and a healthy metabolism. High In Protein – Healthy dogs require a good amount of protein in their diet to support muscular health as well as a healthy coat and skin. Wild boar is higher in protein than common meats like beef, chicken, and pork. Rich In Monounsaturated Fats – Unlike their domesticated relatives, wild boar are lean and low in cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats are a healthy source of energy for your dog. Wild boar live on a diverse diet. This can include nuts, acorns, seeds, roots and fruit…along with proteins like deer, quail, squirrels and small reptiles. This gives them a much higher level of nutrition than farm raised pigs.
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